Learn More About Your Medical Providers
What is a D.O. Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine What makes us different from an M.D.?
What is a Physician Assistant What services can a Physician Assistant Provide?
Local Hospitals
McLaren Greater Lansing
Sparrow Health System
Helpful Resources
United Way Emergency help database including resources for: food, clothing, shelter, job training, rent/utility assistance, educational help and more.
Department of Community Mental Health Emergency and non-crisis mental health services, as well as drug and alcohol detox and substance abuse treatment.
Senior Services Senior services including Meals on Wheels, exercise programs, education and volunteer opportunities offered through the Tri-County Office on Aging.
Poison Control Get help 24/7 on poisonings for humans and animals by calling 1(800)356-3232.
Free Tobacco Cessation Provides free smoking cessation services to Michigan residents. You can also call 1(800)QUIT-NOW for more information.
Consumers Energy Savings Program Offers energy-saving ideas and assistance programs.
Food Pantries Listing of area food pantries.
Immunization Guidelines What immunizations does your child need? Click here for guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control.
Domestic Abuse Resources Therapy, shelter and crisis line information.